All Reviews

Based on 369 reviews
Bag provided appears to be fake replica

Bag provided was a fake copy of sony lcbp3 camera bag. Top edge was torn. The cost of the bag provided is not more than 1000 rupees going by quality. Upon request to replace the said bag with the original or refund the amount was refused. I was asked to courier the bag back to them at my own expense without any guarantee of refund or replacement. Buy sony bags from original vendors, this website sells fake copies of branded items.

Customer service

Excellent customer service . Purchased Sony MDR headphone. Delivery was prompt and quick.

Your address and contact number please

Zoom Handy Recorder - H5


Good and I am using this. Easy package delivery and customer support. Overall Pooja Electronics work good

Best at it's price range

The product is great. A bit on the heavier side, but it is the best in the market at this price range. I love that the dead wombat comes in the box.
Thanks to Smita and pooja electronics. The product was delivered in time. I had to travel for a shoot on the same day evening. As I was promised, I was delivered the product by that very afternoon and I was able to go on my trip soundly with it. That's a career saver for me.

Pro-X EP-L300V Battery
Rajendra shah
Requir for LiveU unit

Can we use this battery for LuveU

Purchased Blackmagic speed editor keyboard

Such super service and affordable price thanks to pooja electronics

Canon LP-E6NH Lithium-Ion Battery

Rode PG2R Piston Grip Shock Mount with Rycote Lyre Suspension

Quite satisfied

I ordered DJI Osmo Action 3 Adventure Combo , AWB-80604562662 from Pooja Electronics.Price was reasonable.
Pretty much satisfied. Packaging was good. Product is intact and functioning properly. Overall, I am quite satisfied with the service of Pooja Electronics.


I bought Sony MDR 7506 headphones from Pooja electronic. Excellent customer service and support. Genuine product at a very reasonable rate. Highly Recommend.

Best f the Product

I have tried in the Church, in which we have double storied, and it worked well and I am soon going to buy another one. Thanks you Pooja Electronic, you had made our buying easy from one corner of India to another. Thanks for your great service.

All Good.

Received the original and authentic product and timely delivery.Completely satisfied by the deal.

Sennheiser Mic

Excellent service and quick delivery. Thank you

Sell v Mount Battery 230wh

hey' I have v Mount Battery. For movie Cameras.this is really good condition and full working.if anything buy this product I can fastly diliver courier service.

Portable and durable.

It's awesome and highly recommended.

High Quality Product

This is definitely one of the best ball head mount that I have used and would recommend. Don't waste your time and money on the cheaper ones, they'll just waste your time and money.

Good packing

Im excited a lot good packing and fast delivery

Sony MDR-7506 On-Ear Professional Headphones (Black)

Tilta Nucleus-M Wireless Lens Control System Partial Kit I

Nice service trust 100

A Stellar Experience with Pooja Electronics for Sony MDR-7506 Headphones

My experience shopping at Pooja Electronics for the Sony MDR-7506 headphones was nothing short of fantastic. Not only did they offer the best price in the market, but they also provided one-day delivery, which was a pleasant surprise.

The packaging was impeccable, ensuring that the headphones arrived without a scratch on the box. It was evident that they took great care in handling the product.

What truly made the experience special was the level of sales support I received. The staff at Pooja Electronics were incredibly helpful and went out of their way to assist me, making the entire process smooth and enjoyable.

In conclusion, I couldn't be happier with my purchase from Pooja Electronics. Their excellent service, competitive pricing, and speedy delivery make them my go-to choice for all my electronic needs. Highly recommended!

A Feast to Ears!

An amazing piece of engineering. Handles any type of microphone intelligently.
An extensive step-by-step tutorials will go a long way for clients to use it optimally.
Congratulations on coming out with a wondergul gadget Rodecaste Duo!
Keep it up!

Excellient Performance

Cinewview is really good video transmetter in under budget with excellient performance.


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“Website is clean and products are genuine. I strongly recommend Pooja Electronics to anyone willing to buy the Audio Video Products .”
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“Best rates in the market. Support staff is very good and supportive. Product packaging and shipping is top notch. Love buying form here.”
Pooja Electronics Reviews and Testimonials 2
Film Maker
“Genuine seller and quality products. You get what you are not able to get anywhere else in the market. Even they arrange the products for you”
Pooja Electronics Reviews and Testimonials
Best rates in the market. Support staff is very good and supportive. Product packaging and shipping is top notch. Love buying form here.
Pooja Electronics Reviews and Testimonials 2
Film Maker